Roman Kocan strokes his uncut cock

Roman Kocan strokes his uncut cock

19 year old construction worker Roman Kocan comes to us from Brno, Czech Republic. Roman has the day off today and is up for some personal playtime.  He leans back and begins vigorously stroking his uncut cock! He removes his jeans from around his ankles and his socks, exposing his beautiful body!

While Roman strokes with one hand, he uses the other for some nipple and ball play! Roman rubs stretches and massages his hole, giving you an up close and personal view. He lays back on the couch and takes hold of his cock.  With some tight gripping strokes, Roman blows a nice creamy load across his abs!

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Josh Finley strokes his uncut cock

Josh Finley jerks his uncut cock

23 year old Josh Finley is a Photographer, based out of the Czech Republic. Now it’s time for him to be in front of the camera and not behind it.  Josh is an exhibitionist at heart and has looked forward to this session for Badpuppy.  He’s at home, relaxed and ready to put on a show. As he leans back on the couch, he begins rubbing himself all over, massaging his cock through his jeans.

He removes his jeans and briefs, as he begins stroking his uncut cock, standing at full attention. With his other hand, he reveals and massages his pleasure hole. Josh moves to the top of the couch, where he gives his uncut cock a thorough work out.

Now leaning over the back of the couch, he slaps his ass, jerking his cock with one hand and fingering his hole with the other. As he nears his happy ending, Josh leans back against the pillows and strokes his way to a bursting, think and creamy finish across his abdomen and torso!

Download the full length video at Badpuppy